On July 31, 1990, I began to write about the symbolismof theMandelbrotSet. I continued to write about symbolism involving various parts ofchaos theory. This seemed quite odd, even to me, but such things are partof my experiment. I simply record various ideas that come to me, withoutquestioning how odd or silly they may be. So often, they lead to strange"coincidences."
I sent some of the ideas to various people over a periodof several years, including crop circle researcher, Pat Delgado. Unfortunately,Pat did not have time to read much of it. Some of the material I sent topeople included information about the Mandelbrot Set, Julia Sets and Kotchfractals, which are snowflake-like.
On August 11, 1991 some thirteen months after myspeculations, theMandelbrotSet crop formation appeared. In 1996 aJulia Setspiral formation appeared next to Stonehenge and aTripleJulia Set spiral appeared. In 1997 three Kotch (snowflake) fractals appeared:
The KochSnowflake Fractal at Silbury Hill
The complexKotch Snowflake fractal at Milk Hill, near Alton Barnes
The Kotch Fractal-Like Triangle at Hackpen Hill (Strange Attractor)
These shapes are all related toChaos theory.
Around 1992 I had a dream of a man becoming more andmore fearful. A voice said, "You have just witnessedbifurcationinto new species of fear."
Chaos Theory
I first learned of Chaos Theory around 1987, when Ilistened to a TV interview with James Glick, who wrote a book on the subject.I later purchased the book,Chaos: Makinga New Science, by James Glick (Penguin, 1987.New York). I found a site on-line that has a brief description of ChaosTheory:
Honors183: Chaos Theory: The Making of a New Science
Here is an excerpt:
"Chaos Theory" (Nonlinear Dynamic Systems) is a collectionof concepts and phenomenon that have been recently observed, or successfullyapplied, throughout the natural and social sciences. Consequently, scientists'understanding of deterministic systems has been altered, and unexpectedregularities have been observed across a wide range of natural domains, forexample, physics (turbulence), physiology (neurological processes), chemistry(reactions), biology (structure and growth), and economics (stock marketbehavior)."
The site has links to other information about the science of Chaos.
It is said that this new science is one of the most important scientificdevelopments of the twentieth century. Prior to its discovery little wasknown about complex, or nonlinear systems. Almost everything in the universeis complex, so the new understanding is quite important. Thisincludes human brain function.
Part of the new science involves producing diagrams on the computer monitor.Programs are writen involving mathematical computations, which place pixels(dots) on the screen at exact locations (and sometimes in various colors)resulting from the computations. Some of them are quite beautiful (See note1).
In my on-line surfing, I found a site that expresses views similar to myown, that is, Chaos theory may also have a spiritual meaning -
FractalChaos Crashes the Wall between Science and Religion
Geoff Stray's Article
On December 12, 1997 I received issue #71 of SC Magazine. Ifound Geoff Stray's article,"Hieroglyphs of DimensionalInterface," quite interesting. He speculates on "the end of linear time."
Geoff points out that the most enduring feature of the crop formations isthe circle, and that circles suggest rotation and therefore cycles of repetition.The circle defines the movements of the Earth around the Sun which can bemultiplied into cycles of time.
Quintuplet Set cropformations began to appear in 1978 and continued into 1997. The shapeis similar to planets around a sun. Geoff noticed that they are also similarto the Aztec Calendar Stone, which depicts five ages called, "Suns." (I sentan Aztec Cosmogram with this information to crop circle researchers aboutsix years ago). The central sun in the depiction is the "Fifth Sun." It issurrounded by four previous Suns, which were ages that ended in cataclysm,when the magnetic field of the Sun reversed, according to research by MauriceCotterell and Adrian Gilbert.(The MayanProphecies, Element Books Limited, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 8BP (England,1995)
The Mexican UFO wave, says Geoff, started on the day of the solar eclipsein July 1991, complete with "corn-on-the-cob-circles." Britt and Lee Elderscorrelated 1991 to the end of the Fifth Sun, but other researchers say itwill end in 2012, when theMayan calendar ends.
Photo: SteveAlexander
In "SC" # 68, Michael Glickman interpreted the 1997 Etchilhampton"Gird" cropformation (above) as a pointer to 2012. The formation was a 30 x 26checkerboard-like grid, giving a total of 780 squares. This, Michael theorized,could indicate the thirty 26-week periods between 1997 and 2012.
Geoff adds that the 780 squares of the grid are exactly divisible by theTZOLKIN, or Mayan Sacred Calendar, which is a grid of 260 squares with sidesof 13 x 20. Three Tzolkins fit into the crop grid pattern. Two fit straightin and the third after bisection.
The grid seems related to a "map" called "Psi Bank Warp and Holonomic Woof"mentioned in a book called "Earth Ascending," by Jose Arguelles (page 121).The "map" consists of eightTzolkins joined togethershowing relationships between the Mayan calendar, the "I Ching" and the64 DNA codons.Arguelles researched the Mayan calendar, physics, philosophy, geomancy andthe "I Ching," and concluded that mankind is creating a"noosphere," or mindlayer, around the Earth, which is evolving towards the"Omega Point of PlanetaryAwakening" in 2012, according toTeillardde Chardin. (This may fit with some coincidences I had in 1990, concerninga Saturn-like spiritual ring around the earth).
When "Earth Ascending " was published in 1984, Arguelles was unaware of abook published in 1975 called, "The Invisible Landscape," by the McKennabrothers. The book gives a mathematical analysis of the "I Ching," concludingthat the 64 hexagrams of the "I Ching" oracle, or "Book of Changes," wasoriginally used as a calendar portraying 64 timewaves which interact to forma "modular hierarchy" of 26 levels. The modular hierarchy is a Mandelbrotfractal where each of the levels is 64 times greater than the one below.Mapped against history, the "end-of-time" climax, where the waves all peaktogether, was found to be in the year 2012. At the time, the McKennas werenot aware that this is the end of the Mayan calendar!
Geoff says that the Mandelbrot crop circle formation also illustrates themodular wave hierarchy encoded in the "I Ching," and this suggests our imminentencounter with this unseen dimension in 2012.
About a month before the Mandelbrot Set crop formation appeared, there wasa report of a triangular "craft" and balls of light over Barbury Castle.That night, the famoustriangularformation appeared at that location. According to Geoff, the design hasbeen called, "The Alchemical version of the Mandelbrot Set." It thereforemay imply the End of Time in 2012.
Jon King, editor of "UFO Reality" magazine, had a strange extra-dimensionalexperience in 1980. He became convinced that a large triangular area of theWest Country is a type of dimensional gateway. In 1986 he published a bookletabout it called, "The Aquarian Triangle" (Most of the corp formations haveappeared in the "Wessex Triangle"). He wrote that this triangle would soonbe the recipient of "light codings" or "energy codings" that would be followedby human interaction with the creators of the codings. In 1989, Jon wentwith some friends to Barbury Castle, the exact center of theAquarianTriangle, and performed a ceremony visualizing the "mothership" landingthere. Two years later, the triangular formation appeared at the site. Itsshape is almost identical to the Aquarian Triangle. (see note 2)
Jon published a version of the schedule given to him in the "TUMI" columnof "UFO Reality," #4. It gives a timetable of events in the forthcomingdimensional shift, culminating in a dimensional interface in 2011, decloakingin 2012, and Earthshift in 2013.
Geoff reviewed the various crop formations associated with chaos theory,as mentioned in the beginning of this article. The final formation of 1997,he says, was the"StrangeAttractor" fractal at Hackpen Hill . A photograph of the Strange Attractorcrop fomation is at the top of this page. The term means "an irreducibleinvariant set that attracts the trajectories of all nearby points." Thisterm was used by Terrence McKenna to describe the "Omega Point," which sucksour evolutionary trajectory towards it, like the plughole at the end of time.
Many have pointed out that the last crop formation of a season is often themost, or one of the most, important. Some believe the final formation givesclues as to the formations that will appear the following season.
Geoff is currently working on a theory correlating information about sunspotcycles, and reversals of its magnetic field. The reversal point is thoughtto be approaching in 2012. According to Geoff, the sunspots are thought tohave an effect on the endocrine glands of human beings, which relate to thechakras (see notes 4 and 5). Geoff is also working on esoteric use of endocrineproducts and ancient Egyptian techniques of arousing dormant functions ofendocrine glands to produce a fourth-dimensional body.

See: Sacred Numbers to Resuscitate the Dead - Lazarus and Awakening the Giant http://www.greatdreams.com/crop/lazarus/lazarus.htm Perhaps the two stars relate to Venus and the Aztec twin serpents as related to the Morning and Evening stars. Here are a few interesting English alphanumerics concerning the subjects: Quetzalcoatl 17 21 5 20 26 1 12 3 15 1 20 12 = 153 Xolotl 24 15 12 15 20 12 = 98 (2 x 49, 7 x 14, Lazarus) Satan = 19 1 20 1 14 = 55 Xolotl Satan 98 + 55 = 153 The Golden Ratio 33 + 57 + 63 = 153 369 - 216 = 153 216 = 6 x 6 x 6 Lucifer 74 (Jesus, penny, harlot) Kukulkan 11 21 11 21 12 11 1 14 = 102 = 51 x 2 153 = 51 x 3 There are ten ones in the above, three twos, and one four. There are three elevens, for an 11:11:11 (like KKK). Morning Star 90 + 58 = 148 Evening Star 76 + 58 = 134 (Simon 70 + Peter 64) The Morning Star and the Evening Star both refer to Venus. Venus also makes a star-shaped figure in space as it revolves around the sun. Venus 22 5 14 21 19 = 81 Horus, the son, Cardinals, Queens) Feathered 6 5 1 20 8 5 18 5 4 = 72 (# of Divine Names, Eta Carina, Gog Magog) Serpent 19 5 18 16 5 14 20 = 97 (Fishermen, Rockaway) Feathered Serpent = 72 + 97 = 169 (13 squared) The Mayan/Aztec systems used the basic numbers 13, 18, 20, 36, 360, and others. Regards and best wishes, Joseph E. (Joe) Mason http://www.greatdreams.com/crpcirc.htm See: 2012 - VENUS & THE MAGNETICS |

2 August, 2004
at Silbury Hill, near Beckhampton, Wiltshire, with Informative Links
At Lucy Pringle's Site | The Aztec Calendar |
Legend of the Four Suns | The 4th & 5th Worlds of the Aztecs & Mayans |
Clear image of Aztec Calendar | The Butterfly Effect |
The End of the World | BBC News Article |
Crop Circle Warns of World's End | Serpent Glyph from the Sun Stone (timestar) |
Mayan Calendar (explanations of glyphs) | The "Snake" Crop Circle (Kunalini) |
The Aztec Calendar: Math and Design | XOCHIPILLI The Prince of Flowers |
Very Large diagram with explanations | Plasma Physics: Meso-American Mythology |
Greenish colorful Sun Stone | Earth Ascending - José Argüelles |
9x9 Checkerboard, 6 Aug 04, Hillwood, Aldbourne,Wiltshire | Info: Dreams of Red and Black |
Info: Moon Magic Square | Info: Collection of Strange Magic Squares |
Info: Mecury Magic Square | Info: Venus Magic Square |
6 & 12 Star of David, 7 Aug 04, Wilton Windmill, near Wilton,Wiltshire | 2 Circle Interference Pattern, 8 Aug 04, Shalbourne, nr Hungerford, Wiltshire |
Crop Circles & Quantum Mechanics | |